Nevada Legal Forms & Services (“NLF”) is a registered legal document preparation service company that is dedicated to the philosophy that the law should be available to everyone at affordable prices.
We offer legal document preparation services, do-it-yourself legal forms and legal kits.
In addition to our products and services, we offer information. We believe information is power and that’s why we’re different from everyone else. We want to provide you with some tools that empower you to make educated decisions regarding some of your everyday legal matters.
Our customers have been looking to Nevada Legal Forms & Services since 1989 to provide a low cost alternative to their everyday legal matters.
We’ve helped over half a million customers with their everyday legal issues and we want to help YOU!
We are celebrating our 30th year in business and we want to thank all of our customers for their support.
For Nevadans…by Nevadans

Business Formation



NLF is the one and only Original Legal Forms Source – since 1989.
NLF is unique in that we give you information and options.
Option 1: We have our Do-It-Yourself forms/kits that enables you to prepare/file/track your own case through court.
Option 2: We can take care of everything for you:
We prepare all your required documents.
We file your case with court.
We take care of any process service you may need.
We take care of any publication requirements you may need.
We track your case through court from beginning to end.
This is why we are different and unique to others. We simply don’t have just one option for you to consider.
Problem Solvers
Continuous Improvement
A Digital Agency
We work together sharing a common purpuse and common goals. We genuinely care for and support not only our customers, but those with whom we work shoulder-to-shoulder. We work everyday to pursue and achieve our mission.
Legal Statement per NRS240A.150:
“The registrant is not an attorney authorized to practice in this State and is prohibited from providing legal advice or legal representation to any person.”
“El registrante no es un abogado autorizado para ejercer en este estado y tiene prohibido brindar asesoria legal o representacion a cualquier persona.”