In 1988, Anne Angell was caring for her elderly mother Patsy “Pat” who wanted to give Anne a power of attorney so that Anne could assist her mother with some of her day to day tasks. Finding no do-it-yourself legal forms at the time, Anne took Pat to an attorney to draft a simple power of attorney. The attorney, who had his paralegal draft the document, charged Pat, who had limited financial resources as most elderly people do $125.00 for a three page document. Anne thought there had to be a better way.
Anne was always a “go against the grain” type of person. The more anyone told her, “that can’t be done,” the more that drove her to proving that it can be done. She felt that the general public should be able to accomplish certain, and relatively simple, legal matters themselves.
Anne thought about this and made her decision to create a company that provided do-it-yourself legal forms and kits, hence Nevada Legal Forms (“NLF”) was born.
Anne worked tirelessly over a year with local and state officials to help guide her in formatting legal forms and legal kits and in 1989 she received endorsement from the proper authorities and she and her husband, Richard, opened their humble doors on West Charleston. The flagship store was an old house that was converted to a “commercial” building. Ironically, this old house belonged to a well-known local attorney that had raised his family in this house.
By 2001, NLF had outgrown that old house and moved right up the street into a true commercial building that was 5 times the size of the old house.
The excitement of moving into such a big building outweighed the nervousness of wondering if they could pay the bills and survive. Not only did they survive…they thrived. In addition to providing the public with do-it-yourself legal forms and legal kits, Anne Angell decided to take it one step further and hired paralegals (now called “document preparers” that are bonded and registered with the State of Nevada) to provide additional services to those customers who choose not to prepare their documents themselves. Nevada Legal Forms is and always will provide options and information to our customers.
Nevada Legal Forms is proud of it’s humble beginnings and continues to grow and depend on our professional and knowledgeable office staff and our valued customers to help with this continued growth.
We are the “Best Place To Start!”